Sunday, October 31, 2010

Puritans, House of the Seven Gabels, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Salem

For this blog post we had to find details on Puritans, The House of the Seven Gabels, Nathanial Hawthorne, and Salem.Also, how the Puritan religion has influenced us in present day.

So what I found was that Salem was originally named Naumkeag. The name was changed three years later to Salem. This city was located at the mouth of the Naumkeag river. So Nathaniel Hawthorne whose originally last name was Harthorne. He changed his last name because he didn't want people to know that he was related to Judge John Harthorne who was a judge for the Salem Witch trials. The House of the Seven Gabels which is a book by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Was a house that Hawthorne's dad bought. Hawthorne's cousin would tell him the stories about the house. So the house has a secret staircase. The house was bought and remodeled many times by its owner. Until one of the owner mad it into a museum.

Puritans are people that are anti-catholic. Puritans were a main religious group during the 17th and 16th centuries. They emigrated from England and the Netherlands to New England. The Puritans have influenced us in many ways. Even though we don't think we are like the puritans we still have similarities. The main things that Puritans believed in were religion, labor, and work. We work to get a good education. So I guess we have work in similarity. While Religion we are all different.

Friday, October 22, 2010

I Knew I Was an American When....

This week's blog post is about when I knew I was an American. Well when I was little my first language was Spanish that was all I spoke, but while time passed and I was hearing my sister and cousins speak English I started to learn. Since my background was my grandparents are Mexican my parents are Mexican I then knew I was Mexican, but I guess I didn't recognized being American. I think the real moment I knew I was an American was when I went to Mexico to visit my family. I started speaking Spanish with them and one of them said "you speak good Spanish but you have an American accent." That was the moment I knew I was an American just hearing those words that said I have an American accent it stunned me. 
Well to me being American is just not being born here. I say if you have lived here most of your life  here that counts as American. Lets say you were brought from another country into the U.S when you were 10 months old you are now 25, but you can't work because you don't have a social security. How would you feel that you were an American or that you were from that country you don't even know how it looks like. Maybe you are from the both countries. What do you think?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs Them

This week's topic is us vs them. In the book The Crucible we see this us vs them a lot, especially between the girls and the ones they accuse. Also, there is the Putnam's that also accuse people.The reason they accuse people is because they want something out of it like the Putnam's want Corey's land and blame Goody Nurse for the death of their children. The girls on the other hand wanted like revenge on the women they accused I believe or maybe like Abigail wanted their husband.

There is many reasons people start conflicts. There is in my opinion one main reason the conflicts dont end good.That reason is communication, that was the problem in Salem. The judge would not even let the person getting accused defend him/herself. It was just did you see the devil, and lets say you said you didn't then you were against the court and you will be guilty because you went against the court.Unless you had evidence.

In conclusion there is many reasons people start conflicts a misunderstanding, or even a error. Just like John Proctor and his adultery issue. The good thing is that him and Elizabeth talked it out even though it wasn't solved it was better than before. So if you talk it out you can help the cause, or even resolve the problem. So, all you need is communication.