Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Short Story (Rough Draft)

I woke up at 9 in the morning to my mom's voice telling me to wake up. Then told me to go to the corner store which is called Willie's store. While I was leaving she stopped me and gave me a shopping list and money. After I paid for the food I went home on the way there my friend Oscar stopped me and asked if I wanted to play soccer. I told him sure let me just ask my mom. I got home and gave my mom the groceries while asking her if I can go play soccer. She said Yes I was happy Oscar came to my house with some friends and we started playing soccer in the frontyard of my house. We then heard a strange sound telling us to not step on the grass. We looked around and saw the old man who always sat there smoking Cuban cigars. I then suggested why not go to the park. Oscar then said okay but when he said that Luis kicked the ball high in the air and it landed in my neighbors lamppost. We were all scared we all ran to the park leaving nothing in sight except a broken lamppost and glass on the floor. when I came back from the park my neighbor was in my house i was scared.

She then said " someone broke my lamppost do you know who it was Ulises?"

I responded with fear and shvers "no." She responded "ok if you now who it was just tell me ok." I said" ok"

While she was leaving I said "....."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What I've Done by: Linkin Park

In this farewell,
There is no blood,
There is no alibi,
Cause I've drawn regret,
From the truth,
Of a thousands lies,
So let mercy come and wash away

What I've Done,
I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become,
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done

Put to rest,
What you thought of me
While, I clean this slate,
With the hands,
Of uncertainty,
So let mercy come,
And wash away

What I've Done,
I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become,
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done

For what I've done,
I start again,
And whatever pain may come,
Today this ends,
I'm forgiving what I've done

I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become,
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done


What I've Done,
What I've Done,
Forgiving what I've done

Now that you have seen the lyrics and read them, you might be able to figure out what this song is about. Well in the literal part, he repeats some things. What I get most of what he says is regret and starting over. When he says, "clean this slate" it is an idiom referring to starting over. He also refers to this a lot, "So let mercy come and wash away What I've done." This is another sign of starting over. He then says, "I'm forgiving what I've done." This explains the regret of the singer. In the beginning stanza, he says, "'Cause I've drawn regret." To look at this at a more intellectual way, we can say that he is the human race. He is speaking for all of us, that we have all drawn regret and we want to start over. That we will "erase ourselves.” we will "clean the slate." We are regretful for ruining the earth, and we want to start over. To me it also refers to how the human race only cares about money and power. The only problem that is causing all of this is us. That is why we want to start over and erase ourselves. That is wat this song means to me.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Propaganda 2011

Propaganda in 2011, there is a lot of it everywhere. One main propaganda type in the world is cars. Especially in the US because we need to sell American cars. That is why it is such a big propaganda type. In the super bowl we had the commercial of eminem driving a chrysler car the whole story of it was telling everybody where that car came from which is Detroit. They spend a lot of money for that type of propaganda. It cost 12 million dollars just to put that commercial in the super bowl. One propaganda I found in the Internet was for the 2011 chevy cruze. It was talking about how green and economical it was, it stated that the car got 42 mpg on the highway. That is another thing that car companies have to fucus on now being green and get good mileage. Especially the American cars because we deffinitlety see more foreign cars than american cars. I guess the propaganda for the American cars has worked a lot they have been selling better but they have been receiving help from Toyota's brakes malfunction. This has helped the American car companies with this propaganda.This is what most propaganda in 2011, but there is more like politics and stuff like that.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beat Street

This movie is very good. I like the break dancing, the graffiti, the DJ-ing, and the rap. Now things are different, the graffiti that we see now is not like Ramo's graffiti, which was art. The dancing was amazing people spinning on their heads and all that. The raping was good they were not raping about money, drugs, and women, like now a days. What I also liked was that Ramo and the rest of Beat Street were doing what they were doing because they loved doing that. One example is double K loved music and he showed it, whenever he was DJ-ing, you can notice him jamming to what he was doing. When Lee was break dancing you would see him enjoying doing that. The train battle was a very good scene, so good that a pop star like Michael Jackson would take inspiration from to imply it in his music video. This movie is good and shows us the hip-hop in New York City. Especially in the Bronx where it is one of the main birthplaces of hip hop. That is what I think of Beat street and I hope on Monday we get to finish the movie.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hunger for Attention!!

In the book, Black Boy by Richard Wright the main character is Richard. He is a young black boy who has hunger for attention. He loves attention and he loves it so much he does bad things to get some of the attention. The first thing that he does badly is when his grandma was sick, and everybody was paying attention to her. He decided to turn the house on fire so he would get attention. Then he kills a kitten because his dad told him to. His dad did say kill that kitten, but he meant like shut up the kitten. That is what he did to get attention and more. When he went to the saloon, he then started to drink and tell the women there what the man had said. He liked doing this because he got attention and money. He then writes bad things with soap on his neighbor’s windows. This is what he did to get attention; I do not think any of us is different from him we all do dumb and bad things to get people to notice us. We have all done something to gain attention am I right or am I wrong?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Short story response number 2

The story that i liked was the Martin Luther King one. Which is called Letter from Birmingham Jail. Martin Luther King who is in jail when he writes this letter is writing to the people why he is in jail. He also writes the letter so the critics can not say he started a violent march and things like that. King wants to be seen like a martyr in a way, in the way he marches, how many people were sprayed with water and dogs chased them. I really liked the part in which he compares himself to the Apostle Paul. He says this because the apostle Paul left his village to teach other villages about Christianity. King is similar he left his hometown to help people all over the south with segregation. I do not like the part of the critics they were saying a lot on how the marches were bad they were talking about how they were happy that the police stopped it. I think that King's march was probably very peaceful and they should not have stopped it. Overall I think this was a good time to read this story right after his holiday. In which we get a day off.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

KIng Still King???

Martin Luther King Jr. his name I have heard many times. The question is, is he still relevant to us? My answer is sometimes he is. During grammar school I remember learning about what he did and his life. I guess I learned that so we could know why we got that day off. Nowadays like as high school students we really do not really talk about him. I guess the thing that still is here today from his era is the civil disobedience. How he boycotted the Montgomery public transportation that was very organized for his part. We know march without violence unlike other countries where they throw rocks, and eggs. Also, they like have a lot of violence like guns. We also do not mention his name because our country has equality in ethnicity. When they do not have equality they march peacefully. I think he is somewhat of a King, but is still not like we talk about him everyday. I think we remember his boycott and also the "I have a dream" speech and the march in Washington. I think all we care is not who he was, but because we get a day off. Other than that I think King is still sort of a King.