Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Short story response number 2

The story that i liked was the Martin Luther King one. Which is called Letter from Birmingham Jail. Martin Luther King who is in jail when he writes this letter is writing to the people why he is in jail. He also writes the letter so the critics can not say he started a violent march and things like that. King wants to be seen like a martyr in a way, in the way he marches, how many people were sprayed with water and dogs chased them. I really liked the part in which he compares himself to the Apostle Paul. He says this because the apostle Paul left his village to teach other villages about Christianity. King is similar he left his hometown to help people all over the south with segregation. I do not like the part of the critics they were saying a lot on how the marches were bad they were talking about how they were happy that the police stopped it. I think that King's march was probably very peaceful and they should not have stopped it. Overall I think this was a good time to read this story right after his holiday. In which we get a day off.

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