Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor is a character in the book The Crucible. The Crucible is as much as I read so far about this little town that one day believes that there is witchcraft. John Proctor is way different from these people he doesn't believe in this witchcraft belief. The believing in the withcraft thing is really bad because everybody is blaming everybody else or their enemies. Like when the teacher asks who was it? We all point to other people and this happens in this book which causes many deaths. John is a hero to me because he takes his own path if people say blue he will say red probably, he is a hero because of that.He is also a hero for beliving that problems should be resolved in their town and not involve other towns or other people from other towns. The reason he also thinks this is way is because he is not in favor of Rev. Parris. The reason being is that Proctor does not like how he preaches especially since Parris talks to much about the devil an not enough about God. Also, the people that are against Proctor will take him as a stooge like the Putnams. I will want to be like Proctor because he doesn't fall into peer presure and is a leader. This is why procter i a Hero.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the hands of an angry God

Well hello there again, this weeks topic is sinners in the hands of an angry god. Well if I was a Puritan going to the church where Jonathan Edwards was preaching. I would just leave the town the reason being is that you have no choice there. It is bad because if you miss a day at church the police would report you. Also, your only choice of religion the God will sound like a horrible person, and then it stated that only 144,000 people that will make it to heaven. I am pretty sure that by that time more than 144,000 people had already lived. So, I would be even more in disagreement with that religion. I would be very scared because you can make a mistake so fast.I mean lets say I had children or if I was a child how would I want to believe in a god the can just cut off your strings and it s bye-bye to you. I guess Iwould run away from this village and start another life in a seperate village where I had a pick and could decide what religion I wanted to be in. Enough about my perspective, would you stay as a puritan, or leave like I would?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There goes the Neighborhood

Hello there again, this time I will write about what happens when two different cultures come together. Well according to my parents and the research I got. The neighborhood I live in is called Back of The Yards, you may ask to yourself why is it called Back of The Yards? Well the reason is that this neighborhood is right behind the stock yards. This neighborhood was made around the 1920s so wprkers from the Stock Yards didn't have to take a long time to get home. At the time this neighborhood was mostly Polish, German, and Irish. One day some Mexicans decided to move in that neighborhood. Then Mexicans started to move in the neighborhood some more. My parents also say that when they moved in this block it was all polish except 1 other Mexican family. Then for some reason the Polish started moving away and more Mexicans started moving in. Until there was only 1 Polish guy left and he is still living in front of me. I admire him because I guess the Polish saw too much Mexcan and just moved, but this guy was not a follower and stayed. The same thing is happening again Mexicans started moving and African-American started moving in. So I guess that people prefer people of their own race to live close to them because sometimes stero-typical things pop into people's head.That is what happened to this neighborhood, and no offense to anybody's race if I have offended anybody.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hello, my name is Ulises Olivares. I love sports, just the fact of doing exercise or just being outside is good, but what i really like to do is play soccer. I play soccer as much as I can, in the weekends I play soccer with family I just love soccer. I do other things like play the piano except I have stop practicing. I learned to play the guitar a little. So what I like to do best is sports and music.My favorite food is just homemade Mexican food by this you can tell I am Mexican. I just love tacos I put anything in the tortilla and eat it, but I do like to go eat at fast food restaurants, but I prefer Mexican homemade food. Especially in Mexico that food is delicious you readers have to go one day to Mexico and just eat as much food as you can. Well I guess I will just stop it her I am pretty sure you guys have something better to do than just read this. So I say good-bye to you readers any questions just comment and I will try to respond to you. See you later hope you liked this!!