Thursday, September 16, 2010

There goes the Neighborhood

Hello there again, this time I will write about what happens when two different cultures come together. Well according to my parents and the research I got. The neighborhood I live in is called Back of The Yards, you may ask to yourself why is it called Back of The Yards? Well the reason is that this neighborhood is right behind the stock yards. This neighborhood was made around the 1920s so wprkers from the Stock Yards didn't have to take a long time to get home. At the time this neighborhood was mostly Polish, German, and Irish. One day some Mexicans decided to move in that neighborhood. Then Mexicans started to move in the neighborhood some more. My parents also say that when they moved in this block it was all polish except 1 other Mexican family. Then for some reason the Polish started moving away and more Mexicans started moving in. Until there was only 1 Polish guy left and he is still living in front of me. I admire him because I guess the Polish saw too much Mexcan and just moved, but this guy was not a follower and stayed. The same thing is happening again Mexicans started moving and African-American started moving in. So I guess that people prefer people of their own race to live close to them because sometimes stero-typical things pop into people's head.That is what happened to this neighborhood, and no offense to anybody's race if I have offended anybody.


  1. Wait do you live around the school we used to get off at on the bus? Because I still don't know my neighborhoods name and my house is like 2 miles away from yours towards Ashland (I think?)

  2. where we would get off just like 15 blocks south and then like 7 blocks east
