Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Day Slavery

So this week's blog post is about modern slavery. When many people see slavery the first thing they think about is the civil war the 1600s to 1800s. Many people don’t think about people working in sweatshops for low pay, trafficking of humans, and prostitution. These things are also considered slavery. Some countries like Cambodia, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Honduras are living on less then $2 a day. Even though sweatshops are bad, because it is a form of slavery it had pros and cons. Children that lost their job after that they didn't have anything else to do so they went into crime and the girls went into prostitution. Even though these things are not as worse as what they did to African-American slaves, it is still bad. I wouldn't like to be people working in a sweatshop, or being sold to other people. Those things are wrong.  There are places like other countries or places that support sweatshops like Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.
I guess us Americans are not as aware of these things as much because we do not have this in our country. I guess many people have different opinions of sweatshops and prostitution. My opinion is that it is bad or sweatshops can stay if people get a higher pay. I mean some people in the world earn what we earn in 5 minutes of work in 30 minutes. Which is unfair to those people getting paid less. I guess there is modern day slavery and some of us don't even notice it.

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