Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wilco Music Review

Album:a ghost is born

For my music review I will do Wilco. They are a Chicago based band, but I am sure most of you haven't heard of them which is sad. The song I am reviewing is Hummingbird which is a good song. This band is like alternative rock and they are mostly known in western Europe. In the USA most people know them in Chicago which makes sense since they are from Chicago. What I like about this song is that the music and rhythm go so well in this song. I learned about this band from my friend he told me about them one day and I started listening to it. He said "What is sad is that he only knows 1 person that listens to them and 5 that heard about them."
I like this quote from the song
"Remember to remember me
Standing still in your past
Floating fast like a hummingbird"
I cannot emphasize how much the music makes this song so much better. This song makes me play the replay button a couple times. That is just me though. This also comes to show how popular music has taken over when there are many good artists out there.
Listen to this song if you like it well that is good but remember that we have to get to know the artists from Chicago. Hope you enjoy this song!!!
The play list on that side-------->>>
the song is playing

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay and Nick

In our American Lit class we are reading the book The Great Gatsby. These two characters Jay Gatsby and Nick Carroway are building a relationship and it is an interesting one. It all started when Nick went to Gatsby's party which he has a lot of them. The reason being is that Gatsby is in love with Daisy, who lives right across the bay. He and Daisy were in love until Gatsby left to the War and she married Tom, but back to Jay and Nick. Nick is the cousin of Daisy. Nick to be a good friend helped Jay by inviting Daisy over for tea, and he also invites Jay to reunite them. Jay is nervous in the beginning so Nick calms him down and Jay gets relaxed and starts talking to Daisy normally. Then he takes her to his house and shows her around. While they are talking like a good friend Nick tries to leave them alone. Jay does not let him though because he needs his help. Nick stays and learns more about Jay when he stays. Jay is a good guy I think none of them are using each other because Gatsby sends a guy to cut Nick's grass and then also offers him a better job. It is a win win situation for both of them.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

First Draft

So this week we have to come up with a first draft for a winter poem.
I would like to have a lot of varieties of poems
like Haiku: Holidays are beast
They come only once a year
So celebrate them
That is a draft now for a longer poem:
Here we are again
No more rain
Only white beautiful snowflakes
In the garage we now find our rakes
It is time for winter joy
For every child and their New toy
Under the Christmas tree, or the Menorah
While listening to music on Pandora
We all celebrate different things
But every god to us is our King
The whole family giving hugs
Little children spilling soda on the rug
The next day
The children play
While their parents watch in happiness
Even though they know that toy will last one MES(month in Spanish)
We all love that Winter break
And all those cookies we bake
So celebrate the Holidays in cheer
Because they only come once a year

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thankful for a classmate

This week's blog is about being thankful for a classmate in our American Lit class. Well to start it off I am thankful for my teachers, my family, and my classmates. I am very thankful for one classmate in my American lit class and that is Joe Wang. The reason I am thankful for him is that I have asked him many times what the homework is, and he tells me. Sometimes when I forgot to read I ask him what the chapter was about and he tells me. So he is a great help also, when we are doing the group assignments or the chapter questions he is a great help for our group. Well we can't be helpful for just one person. I am thankful for Emmett and Gordon who make the class more interesting and funnier. The main person that I am thankful is Mr. McCarthy the teacher that has made this all possible. The one who if you say Mr. McCarthy he will respond I am. He is the one I am thankful. I am very thankful to have third period American Lit with Mr. McCarthy and with all my classmates. That is what I am thankful in Third period because this list could go on if it was for other classes.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I am a plow?

This week’s blog is about a plow. Which is a tool used in agriculture. definition of a plow-an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil.
So a plow helps the soil get ready for sowing. So I guess many people can be our plows or we can be the plow. If we help people for the future we are being their plow. This means that parents, teachers, and coaches are the plows of us helping us and getting us ready for the future. We will all eventually not be used anymore like the real plows. We will shape the field and remove the weeds from the field. This is what parents try to do make you the best. Take away the weeds which are the bad things about you. Coaches do this too and teachers. There are many plows in your life. The most important one is you though because you are the main plow. You are the only one that will be able to take the advice and make your future how you want it. To put it in simpler ways there are many plows but you are the main one and you will be the only one that will be able to plow your future how you want it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Direction the class needs??

Well the class is very good overall, we have a lot of humor and the class is entertaining. Even though it is in the beginning of the day this class wakes us up. We all stay on topic and we all know when to stop if we are being disruptive. We haven't even seen your dark side referring to you Mr. McCarthy. I guess what we do somewhat need to work on is doing our homework and our blogs. I think you should write the homework on the board. I like that we don't have to take our textbook home every day. I guess we stay in track (sometimes) I guess sometimes we fall behind in House of The Seven Gables (I don't know how that happened.) It is pretty cool that instead of independent reading day we have Hurley's day or Devin's day.I guess something that i would change but there is no reason for us to change it anymore was that we should be more interactive during the class. I guess there is nothing for our class to change we are a very good class we sometimes get on your nerves but it is solved quickly like I have stated. So, overall there is nothing for us to change.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Day Slavery

So this week's blog post is about modern slavery. When many people see slavery the first thing they think about is the civil war the 1600s to 1800s. Many people don’t think about people working in sweatshops for low pay, trafficking of humans, and prostitution. These things are also considered slavery. Some countries like Cambodia, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Honduras are living on less then $2 a day. Even though sweatshops are bad, because it is a form of slavery it had pros and cons. Children that lost their job after that they didn't have anything else to do so they went into crime and the girls went into prostitution. Even though these things are not as worse as what they did to African-American slaves, it is still bad. I wouldn't like to be people working in a sweatshop, or being sold to other people. Those things are wrong.  There are places like other countries or places that support sweatshops like Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.
I guess us Americans are not as aware of these things as much because we do not have this in our country. I guess many people have different opinions of sweatshops and prostitution. My opinion is that it is bad or sweatshops can stay if people get a higher pay. I mean some people in the world earn what we earn in 5 minutes of work in 30 minutes. Which is unfair to those people getting paid less. I guess there is modern day slavery and some of us don't even notice it.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Puritans, House of the Seven Gabels, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Salem

For this blog post we had to find details on Puritans, The House of the Seven Gabels, Nathanial Hawthorne, and Salem.Also, how the Puritan religion has influenced us in present day.

So what I found was that Salem was originally named Naumkeag. The name was changed three years later to Salem. This city was located at the mouth of the Naumkeag river. So Nathaniel Hawthorne whose originally last name was Harthorne. He changed his last name because he didn't want people to know that he was related to Judge John Harthorne who was a judge for the Salem Witch trials. The House of the Seven Gabels which is a book by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Was a house that Hawthorne's dad bought. Hawthorne's cousin would tell him the stories about the house. So the house has a secret staircase. The house was bought and remodeled many times by its owner. Until one of the owner mad it into a museum.

Puritans are people that are anti-catholic. Puritans were a main religious group during the 17th and 16th centuries. They emigrated from England and the Netherlands to New England. The Puritans have influenced us in many ways. Even though we don't think we are like the puritans we still have similarities. The main things that Puritans believed in were religion, labor, and work. We work to get a good education. So I guess we have work in similarity. While Religion we are all different.

Friday, October 22, 2010

I Knew I Was an American When....

This week's blog post is about when I knew I was an American. Well when I was little my first language was Spanish that was all I spoke, but while time passed and I was hearing my sister and cousins speak English I started to learn. Since my background was my grandparents are Mexican my parents are Mexican I then knew I was Mexican, but I guess I didn't recognized being American. I think the real moment I knew I was an American was when I went to Mexico to visit my family. I started speaking Spanish with them and one of them said "you speak good Spanish but you have an American accent." That was the moment I knew I was an American just hearing those words that said I have an American accent it stunned me. 
Well to me being American is just not being born here. I say if you have lived here most of your life  here that counts as American. Lets say you were brought from another country into the U.S when you were 10 months old you are now 25, but you can't work because you don't have a social security. How would you feel that you were an American or that you were from that country you don't even know how it looks like. Maybe you are from the both countries. What do you think?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs Them

This week's topic is us vs them. In the book The Crucible we see this us vs them a lot, especially between the girls and the ones they accuse. Also, there is the Putnam's that also accuse people.The reason they accuse people is because they want something out of it like the Putnam's want Corey's land and blame Goody Nurse for the death of their children. The girls on the other hand wanted like revenge on the women they accused I believe or maybe like Abigail wanted their husband.

There is many reasons people start conflicts. There is in my opinion one main reason the conflicts dont end good.That reason is communication, that was the problem in Salem. The judge would not even let the person getting accused defend him/herself. It was just did you see the devil, and lets say you said you didn't then you were against the court and you will be guilty because you went against the court.Unless you had evidence.

In conclusion there is many reasons people start conflicts a misunderstanding, or even a error. Just like John Proctor and his adultery issue. The good thing is that him and Elizabeth talked it out even though it wasn't solved it was better than before. So if you talk it out you can help the cause, or even resolve the problem. So, all you need is communication.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor is a character in the book The Crucible. The Crucible is as much as I read so far about this little town that one day believes that there is witchcraft. John Proctor is way different from these people he doesn't believe in this witchcraft belief. The believing in the withcraft thing is really bad because everybody is blaming everybody else or their enemies. Like when the teacher asks who was it? We all point to other people and this happens in this book which causes many deaths. John is a hero to me because he takes his own path if people say blue he will say red probably, he is a hero because of that.He is also a hero for beliving that problems should be resolved in their town and not involve other towns or other people from other towns. The reason he also thinks this is way is because he is not in favor of Rev. Parris. The reason being is that Proctor does not like how he preaches especially since Parris talks to much about the devil an not enough about God. Also, the people that are against Proctor will take him as a stooge like the Putnams. I will want to be like Proctor because he doesn't fall into peer presure and is a leader. This is why procter i a Hero.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the hands of an angry God

Well hello there again, this weeks topic is sinners in the hands of an angry god. Well if I was a Puritan going to the church where Jonathan Edwards was preaching. I would just leave the town the reason being is that you have no choice there. It is bad because if you miss a day at church the police would report you. Also, your only choice of religion the God will sound like a horrible person, and then it stated that only 144,000 people that will make it to heaven. I am pretty sure that by that time more than 144,000 people had already lived. So, I would be even more in disagreement with that religion. I would be very scared because you can make a mistake so fast.I mean lets say I had children or if I was a child how would I want to believe in a god the can just cut off your strings and it s bye-bye to you. I guess Iwould run away from this village and start another life in a seperate village where I had a pick and could decide what religion I wanted to be in. Enough about my perspective, would you stay as a puritan, or leave like I would?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There goes the Neighborhood

Hello there again, this time I will write about what happens when two different cultures come together. Well according to my parents and the research I got. The neighborhood I live in is called Back of The Yards, you may ask to yourself why is it called Back of The Yards? Well the reason is that this neighborhood is right behind the stock yards. This neighborhood was made around the 1920s so wprkers from the Stock Yards didn't have to take a long time to get home. At the time this neighborhood was mostly Polish, German, and Irish. One day some Mexicans decided to move in that neighborhood. Then Mexicans started to move in the neighborhood some more. My parents also say that when they moved in this block it was all polish except 1 other Mexican family. Then for some reason the Polish started moving away and more Mexicans started moving in. Until there was only 1 Polish guy left and he is still living in front of me. I admire him because I guess the Polish saw too much Mexcan and just moved, but this guy was not a follower and stayed. The same thing is happening again Mexicans started moving and African-American started moving in. So I guess that people prefer people of their own race to live close to them because sometimes stero-typical things pop into people's head.That is what happened to this neighborhood, and no offense to anybody's race if I have offended anybody.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hello, my name is Ulises Olivares. I love sports, just the fact of doing exercise or just being outside is good, but what i really like to do is play soccer. I play soccer as much as I can, in the weekends I play soccer with family I just love soccer. I do other things like play the piano except I have stop practicing. I learned to play the guitar a little. So what I like to do best is sports and music.My favorite food is just homemade Mexican food by this you can tell I am Mexican. I just love tacos I put anything in the tortilla and eat it, but I do like to go eat at fast food restaurants, but I prefer Mexican homemade food. Especially in Mexico that food is delicious you readers have to go one day to Mexico and just eat as much food as you can. Well I guess I will just stop it her I am pretty sure you guys have something better to do than just read this. So I say good-bye to you readers any questions just comment and I will try to respond to you. See you later hope you liked this!!